Intervention Program

Donna O’Day – Reading Interventionist, Grades 6-8
Juliann Iaiennaro – Math Interventionist, Grades 6-8

Greetings from the Intervention Program!
We would like to inform you about what is happening in our Reading and Math Intervention classes. In addition, we will be sharing tips that you can use to encourage your child to read and practice math skills.

In the Reading Intervention classes, students have been receiving skills support through high-interest content in both Scholastic Action and Time for Kids magazines, ReadWorks articles, current event newspaper articles and short stories. Rich small group discussions and reading aloud enhances comprehension as students connect to relevant text, applying the reading strategies they have been working on and share their thoughts.
Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for tackling all kinds of school assignments. Plus children are more likely to read for pleasure if they understand what they read. Try this strategy to boost your middle grader’s comprehension skills.
Family Reading
Picture it: Suggest that your child form mental images as he reads. He can visualize adjectives used to describe a story’s characters (tall, freckled) or its setting (crowded, quiet). Or he might imagine a movie based on the book—even thinking of who he would cast in the roles. These pictures in his mind help bring the story to life.

Math Intervention utilizes Moving with Math Extensions which is a grade level program embedded within a well-organized learning system. The Moving with Math Learning Management System links essential grade level objectives to assessment and instruction throughout the learning process. These objectives have 100% correlation to the Content and Practice Standards for the common Core State Standards (CCSS) and also provide prerequisite objectives necessary for success with those standards.
Family Math
Parent involvement has a positive impact on children’s academic achievement. The following are examples of websites that parents and students can enjoy together:

Thank you for participating in your child’s reading and math growth and success.

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