January 25th Update

It is amazing to think that we are almost at the halfway point of this school year. This school year is flying by. This time of year brings many important events:

–> 2nd marking period closes on January 30th. Please make sure you keep checking your student’s Parent Portal. It is a great tool for everyone.
–> Our 7th grade students will soon be taking the OLSAT test. This is an achievement test that provides us with some valuable data on your children.
–> Our 8th grade students/parents had an orientation at Mark T. Sheehan High School.
–> Our 8th grade students will soon be visiting Sheehan during the day to see the school in action and to work with their counselors to create a schedule for their 9th grade year.
–> Connecticut Mastery Testing (CMT) will begin in March. This is a great opportunity for our students and staff to gage how well our students are doing compared to the rest of the state.

As you may or may not know, Moran has several building-level committees that work to help improve the education at Moran. Students, teachers, parents, and administrators work together in the following committees: Safe School Climate, Anti-Bullying Club (ABC), Professional Development, Technology, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Parent Teacher Advisory Counsel (PTAC), etc. As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for all of the stakeholders at Moran to collaborate on what is best for your child’s education at Moran. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in learning more about any of these groups (203) 741-2900.

A this point in the year you typically see a slight decline in student enthusiasm. I would encourage every parent to continue to stay involved in their child’s education. Ask your child what they are working on, contact your child’s teacher, visit the school to stay connected to the facilities, etc. We are your partners in your child’s education. We look forward to our continued success.

Thank you and stay warm!!!

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